Humans have evolved grammars along with perception for earthly space.

Grammatical time is not the clock, but just as with real time, we cannot touch or see it. To begin, we can manage as in fields of time, with a little mind practice.
■More about Part 1

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1.2. Mind Practice

Thought and language originate in the mind: most exercises in this grammar course are to be done in thought, to encourage mind habits. ■More

4. Aspect Cognitive Mapping

Human walking or other moving about needs place and time, yet people do not need anyone to give rules or definitions for moving own body. ■More

Speech and language belong with the human need for fresh water, air, good clothing, and a decent roof. Grammar is a basic human need. It is healthy to have a good business with grammar. It is not healthy to have unnecessary difficulty.

Sooner than later, life brings the talk about Unreal Past or Future in the Past, more, in Reported Speech. With grammatical time frames, we can get along easy.
■More about Part 2

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Everyone thinks, speaks, or writes in real time. Sometimes, there is not even a moment to consult a rule or definition. Language MappingTM invokes human natural capability for logic.
■Try a simple brain teaser and see for yourself.

4.1. The idea of travel in grammar

Language is not a predetermined reality. Beginning to read a book or to watch a movie, we may wonder what there is going to be; somewhere around the middle, we may look back to what has happened, and at the end we may think about things accomplished. Our thought will have grammar. ■More

Books and grammar method information

The method and the books reflect on the author’s own language acquisition and learning to include graduated university studies in linguistics and American English. The grammar began as Teresa Pelka’s spontaneous invention when she was a child, in early 1970s. BISAC: Education / Bilingual Education. ■More

Copyright © Teresa Pelka, all rights reserved.



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Grammar Off the Record

It is a fact of life that we do not graduate in linguistics before we hear or speak everyday language, or read Huck Finn. ■The Grapevine

Grapevine: Only real strawberries count

You might hear you go minus or plus infinity about the number of strawberries, but mind you, the Founders stated you couldn’t owe for strawberries that never existed, or so I guess they would have said in case. ■More

8.1. Earthling basic cognitive variable

Planet Earth has been a natural habitat for millennia. In thousands of years, people to think what there is {ON} a map, have not denied plausibility for places {IN} areas, routes {TO} places, as well as locations {AT} them. Early childhood learning to talk has gotten along with learning to walk. ■More

6.1. Our linguistic gravitation

Time extents, Present or Past, do not depend on the Aspect, Simple or Perfect. To express own thought well, we need the cognitive ground and time frame. The matter can be easy as with gravitation: when we have the ground, we close the frame. ■More

Chapter 10. Form relativity galore

With theory, if we guess or suppose, Past forms refer to the Present, and Present forms refer to the Future. It is only the anchored Past to remain in the grammatical Past. The matter is similar in many languages: if I was, si j’étais, gdybym był/a, если бы я был/а, wäre ich. ■More


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Part 1. Towards the Aspect

We draw conclusions from natural language acquisition and begin with verbs, to be, to have, to do, and the verb form will. Part 1 works verb syntax for the Simple, Progressive, and Perfect, along with the Affirmative, Negative, Interrogative, and Negative Interrogative. ■More

Part 2. Towards the time frame

“Future in the Past” or “Unreal Past”? The Simple against the Perfect, and the Simple versus the Progressive, we make out a time frame. Devices as the Modal Net and Form Relativity may render the Conditional or Sequence of tenses redundant, for “unreal” grammar to work in real time. ■More